My new tap shoes... aren't they beauties! I thought I would show them off since I have not purchased tap shoes since I was in high school! If you don't know how long ago that was, don't worry, it was long long ago! I wish I had a picture of my old ones so we could compare the difference. I will just tell you this, the bottoms fell out! That's how much I used them and love to tap and teach tap!
This year at Mark Morris Dance Group (click here to find my classes and my bio) I will be teaching 4 tap classes! Can you tell I'm excited? In the next couple weeks I will be coming up with curriculum to teach for Tap 1-2-and 3 and beginning teen tap (ages 13-17)! I will let you know what I come up with... write in your suggestions or ideas if you love to tap!
In the meantime movecreateeducate...
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